set screenBounds to desktopBounds()
set item 2 of screenBounds to 23
set fileNameList to {}
set fileList to (choose file with prompt "Please select a file to process:" with multiple selections allowed)
repeat with theFile in fileList
set end of fileNameList to getFileName(theFile) of me
end repeat
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to linefeed
set stdOUT to ("HFS Path List: " & linefeed & linefeed & (fileList as text) & linefeed & linefeed & "File Name List:" & linefeed & linefeed & fileNameList)
# Send text from the variable stdOUT to the shell's default text editor (TextEdit unless altered) as a temp file.
set shCMD to "echo " & quoted form of stdOUT & " | open -f"
do shell script shCMD
tell application "TextEdit"
set bounds of front window to screenBounds
end tell
on desktopBounds()
tell application "Finder"
return bounds of window of desktop
end tell
end desktopBounds
on getFileName(theFile)
tell application "Finder"
return the name of theFile
end tell
end getFileName