Re: Detecting Safari Web page loading
Re: Detecting Safari Web page loading
- Subject: Re: Detecting Safari Web page loading
- From: Jim Underwood <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2018 20:46:20 +0000
- Thread-topic: Detecting Safari Web page loading
I'm not sure that I understand your purpose/objective, so my response may or
may not directly apply for your use case.
But for a more general use case, my response speaks to the general question of
knowing when a web page has completed loading so that further processing of
that page by script can be done.
I do a lot of web scraping, and I have found that using a JavaScript
XPath<> to be a very reliable
method to determine when a web page has completed loading sufficiently for my
purpose. My purpose is usually to do another JavaScript in Browser to extract
the info I want from the web page.
I use the Chrome Dev Tools to view, inspect, develop, and test the XPath that I
Here is an example AppleScript, which includes the JavaScript.
The XPath in this example is looking for the "Create Topic" button on the
Script Debugger forum (" ) site. Note that you
must be logged in to the forum for this button to appear.
To All: Please feel free to ask any questions about my method/script.
Screenshot of Web Page Button of Interest
use AppleScript version "2.5" -- El Capitan (10.11) or later
use scripting additions
VER: 2.0 2018-03-19
PURPOSE: Provide example of how to determine when Safari Page has completed
• Assume page has completed loaded for your purpose when a specific HTML
element exists
• Use XPath to specify the required HTML Element
• Use JavaScript in Browser to check for existance of element
set urlStr to ""
set xPathStr to "//button[@id=\"create-topic\"]" -- must be logged in to find
this button
set delayTime to 0.1
set maxTime to 3
set notifyTime to 0.2
tell application "Safari"
tell window 1
set current tab to (make new tab with properties {URL:urlStr})
end tell
end tell
-- (script will CANCEL on time-out)
set pageStatusStr to "[NOT-READY]"
set elapsedTime to 0
repeat while (pageStatusStr ≠ "[READY]")
set pageStatusStr to getPageStatus(xPathStr)
delay delayTime
set elapsedTime to elapsedTime + delayTime
if (elapsedTime > maxTime) then
set msgStr to "Max Time of " & maxTime & " sec exceeded waiting for Safari
page to load"
display dialog msgStr with title (name of me) buttons {"Cancel"} default
button "Cancel"
end if
if my isMod(elapsedTime, notifyTime) then
set msgStr to "Elapsed Time: " & elapsedTime & " sec"
set msgTitleStr to "Waiting for Safari Page to Load"
display notification msgStr with title msgTitleStr sound name "Tink.aiff"
end if
end repeat
set msgStr to "Page Loaded in " & elapsedTime & " sec"
set msgTitleStr to "Safari Page Load Completed"
display notification msgStr with title msgTitleStr sound name "Hero.aiff"
return pageStatusStr
--~~~~~~~~~~~~ END MAIN SCRIPT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
on isMod(pNumber, pDiv)
return ((((pNumber * 10) as integer) mod (pDiv * 10) as integer) = 0)
end isMod
on getPageStatus(pXPathStr)
local jsStr
set jsStr to "
'use strict';
(function run() { // this will auto-run when script is executed
var xPath = '" & pXPathStr & "'
var nodes = document.evaluate(xPath, document, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null)
var result = nodes.iterateNext();
var statusStr = (result) ? \"[READY]\" : \"[NOT-READY]\"
return statusStr;
} // END of function run()
tell application "Safari"
set jsScriptResults to do JavaScript jsStr in front document
end tell
return jsScriptResults
end getPageStatus
Best Regards,
Jim Underwood
aka JMichaelTX
From: AppleScript-Users
on behalf of Takaaki Naganoya
Date: Monday, March 19, 2018 at 10:28 AM
To: "ASUL (AppleScript)"
Subject: Re: Detecting Safari Web page loading
Thanks for your reply. But my intention is a little different.
I wanted to know the new URL loading event by using Notification mechanism.
Now, we can detect iTunes’ track changed event by using it without polling with
short delay loop.
use AppleScript version "2.4"
use scripting additions
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AppKit"
set aNC to current application's NSDistributedNotificationCenter's
aNC's addObserver:me selector:"updateNow:" |name|:""
object:(missing value)
on updateNow:aNotification
set theNotif to aNotification's userInfo
log theNotif
end updateNow:
Takaaki Naganoya
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