Re: EXTERNAL: Re: AppleScript UI for timed override code
Re: EXTERNAL: Re: AppleScript UI for timed override code
- Subject: Re: EXTERNAL: Re: AppleScript UI for timed override code
- From: "LaMantia, Brian" <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2019 16:40:17 +0000
- Disclaimersource: eop
- Thread-topic: EXTERNAL: Re: AppleScript UI for timed override code
I think I got it. WOW! Lightbulb!
set theResponse to display dialog "Enter code: " default answer "" with icon
stop buttons {"Cancel", "Continue"} default button "Continue" with hidden answer
set code to button returned of the theResponse
if code = "Cancel" then return ""
set textResponse to (text returned of theResponse)
display dialog ("Code is: " & textResponse & ".") buttons {"OK"} default button
set results to (do shell script "cd /Applications/Bit9/Tools; ./b9cli
-timedoverride " & textResponse)
display dialog results
On 4/5/19, 11:21 AM, "LaMantia, Brian" <email@hidden> wrote:
Okay... This worked.
do shell script "cd /Applications/Bit9/Tools; ./b9cli -timedoverride " &
Now how do I get the results from the cli. Success returns the value "Timed
Override set" so I want hat to alet the user that the code was taken and valid.
I could maybe echo it back?
Brian LaMantia
On 4/5/19, 11:12 AM, "LaMantia, Brian" <email@hidden> wrote:
I removed the return. How does textResponse data get passed to the CLI?
The way I have it just passes "textResponse" to the shell. Of course that will
not work. I need the data from the variable passed to the shell. Thank you
Brian LaMantia
On 4/5/19, 10:13 AM, "Takaaki Naganoya" <email@hidden> wrote:
> 2019/04/05 23:51、LaMantia, Brian
> Thank you Naganoya. I can see I’m going to like applescript. Now
any ideas on how to get the textResponse variable passed to the CLI in terminal?
> I added the do shell script and it doesn’t fail but I don’t know
if it failed. Maybe an echo? And can a variable be passed the way I have it in
the image?|01|email@hidden|f2583800e09c4742cef508d6b9d9407b|e3ff91d834c84b15a0b418910a6ac575|0|0|636900740083312575&sdata=m69WS2a11YolstqYV8PQqbY7gqaeSJoCpbbBqB5Hn6k=&reserved=0
“return” is a command to exit AppleScript sub-routine or quit
execution with printing the variable’s value.
My purpose was latter that returns user input value to shell script
(CLI Terminal).
So you have to delete “return textResponse” line.
Takaaki Naganoya
> set theResponse to display dialog "Enter code: " default answer
"" with icon stop buttons {"Cancel", "Continue"} default button "Continue" with
hidden answer
> set code to button returned of the theResponse
> if code = "Cancel" then return ""
> set textResponse to (text returned of theResponse)
> display dialog ("Code is: " & textResponse & ".") buttons {"OK"}
default button 1
> return textResponse
> do shell script "cd /Applications/Bit9/Tools; ./b9cli
-timedoverride textResponse"
> Brian LaMantia
> From: Takaaki Naganoya <email@hidden>
> Date: Friday, April 5, 2019 at 2:07 AM
> To: Applescript Users List <email@hidden>
> Cc: "LaMantia, Brian" <email@hidden>
> Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: AppleScript UI for timed override code
> Hi,
> Your code dose not return actual result (User given code or
canceled status).
> You’d better to execute AppleScript code with Script Editor
> Then the return data will be obvious.
> <image001.jpg>
>> 2019/04/05 9:49、LaMantia, Brian
>> Hi all. I need a tool that will prompt a user to enter a code,
then have that code passed to shell, and finally the pass/fail response given
to the user. I don’t have much experience with applescript and I am trying to
learn. It’s confussing trying to workflow this going from applescript to sh.
Does anyone have a workflow that will help get me there?
>> Thank you – Brian
>> Workflow
>> • User given code
>> • User executes script
>> • User asked for token in UI/ user clicks continue
>> • Code is passed as variable to the shell. Something like (do
shell script “cd /Applications/Bit9/Tools; ./b9cli -timedoverride $code”
>> • Pass or fail results echoed back to the use in the UI.
>> CLI command in terminal (example of failure and success)
>> path = /Applications/Bit9/Tools
>> mac:Tools user$ ./b9cli -timedoverride <token>
>> Failed to decode password
>> mac:Tools user$ ./b9cli -timedoverride <token>
>> Timed override set
>> Osascript idea to prompt for code
>> /usr/bin/osascript <<EOT
>> set theResponse to display dialog "What's your code?" default
answer "" with icon stop buttons {"Cancel", "Continue"} default button
"Continue" with hidden answer
>> display dialog "My Secret Code is " & (text returned of
theResponse) & "."
>> EOT
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