Applescript Value Objective-C Parameter
missing value any object: will be passed as nil
integer, real C basic numeric types: int, float, double, short, long, long long, unsigned short, unsigned long, unsigned long long
integer, real foundation fypes: NSUInteger, NSInteger
integer, real Obj-C type: id - will be passed as a NSNumber subclass
text NSMutableString *, NSString *
text SEL (must be in Obj-C selector form: "methodName:arg2:arg3:")
boolean BOOL
record NSMutableDictionary *, NSDictionary *
list NSMutableArray *, NSArray *
list struct NSRange, struct NSRect, struct NSSize, struct NSPoint
I haven't tested to see if passing to a NSNumber, or one of its subclasses, works. If so the following line should be added.
integer, real NSNumber * (or subclass?)
Any corrections or additions would be appreciated.
It would be nice to have an inverse table on how returned values can be used. From what I understand there are no automatic coercions but it would be nice to have a list of what coercions can be done to which types.
-- Dave