G'day scripters
I've been trying to translate Shane Stanleys tutorial on Xcode to lion, and have struck a hurdle.
In Xcode 4.1 the inspector will not let me bind to the property 'theData'. It comes up with an error message that 'Xcode cannot resolve the entered key path'.
I also could not get it to recognise the 'Lister App Delegate', and had to build Shane's 'Lister.app' in 3.2, then open it with 4.1 to get that bit to work.
Obviously many things have changed, so can anyone give me at least a hint of what's wrong please. Oh, and is there anywhere I can get current info on Xcode 4.1?
Regards, & thanks
script ListerAppDelegate property parent : class "NSObject" property theData : {} -- the table data
################################################## # Application
on awakeFromNib() -- Code here end awakeFromNib
on applicationWillFinishLaunching_(aNotification) tell application "Finder" set my theData to name of folders of home end tell end applicationWillFinishLaunching_
on applicationShouldTerminate_(sender) -- Insert code here to do any housekeeping before your application quits return true end applicationShouldTerminate_
end script