I'd like to be able to offer a choice of date pickers between 'graphical' and 'Textual with Stepper'. Is it possible to do this in the following routine, or should I use two different date pickers and adjust the dates between them.
on theDateEntry_(sender)
set test to theDateEntryType's state as integer
if test = 1 then
tell theStartDate to setFrame_({origin:{x:46, y:190}, |size|:{|width|:200, height:35}})
set theStartDate's style to "Textual with Stepper"
theDateEntryType's setImage_(greenArrowUp)
tell theStartDate to setFrame_({origin:{x:46, y:48}, |size|:{|width|:278, height:148}})
set theStartDate's style to "Graphical"
theDateEntryType's setImage_(greenArrowDown)
end if
end theDateEntry_