I'm working on a asoc appliction and try to introduce as much as possible pure objective c.
I have an applescript class which is bind up thru an arrayController to a table view.
The way Shane Stanley explains in his book: AppleScriptObjC Explored 4.0.0.
on hLogger__(myLogList,myLogCounter)
set myLogCounter to myLogCounter + 1 as integer
if myLogCounter is 1 then
set my theLogData to myLogList
set theLogDataArray to theLogData as list
theLogDataArray's addObjectsFromArray_(myLogList)
set my theLogData to theLogDataArray
end if
myLogTableView's reloadData()
end hLogger_
When this handler is called between different applescript classes the table view is updated very well.
Once I access the handler (method) from an objective c class, I do not get a warning, I see that the handler is accessed and the parameters are passed, but the table is not updated at all.
I call the method by this:
[NSClassFromString(@"myAppLog") hNewLogger:myLogList:myLogCounter];
What am I doing wrong ?
Kind Regards,