G'day Scripters.
I have a table, ClientToChooseFrom, with a column clientName that contains unparsed email addresses. Normally the user can click on an address, it's parsed, and the basic email address is added to another table, and saved.
I need to allow the user to select every email address if the so desire, and add them to the parsed list, but cannot work out how to select each unparsed address in turn.
The first row is my forlorn attempt at doing so. Any guidance please. Once each row is selected, I can call my parsing and saving handler.
on addAllClients_(sender) tell theArrayController to set selRowsList to text items of clientname of ClientToChooseFrom set theSet to current application's NSMutableIndexSet's alloc()'s init() repeat with anIndex in selRowsList theSet's addIndex_(anIndex) end repeat repeat with eachEntry in theSet tell theArrayController to selectRowIndexes_byExtendingSelection_(eachEntry, false) end repeat end addAllClients