G'day scripters
In Applescript ObjC is there any way to tell if the top or bottom of a stepper is being clicked on?
I'm trying to get a stepper to act as tho it's partly logarithmic in it's response.
1-10 Step in 1's
10-100 Step in 10's
100 to 10,000 step in 100's
The code I've got works, up until the values of 10 and 100 (the transition points) are used and saved, then when re-starting, the saved steps are 10 and 100, and when going downwards, jump from 100 to 1, or 10 to 1.
I think it's not possible to do this, but I don't have room for two sliders (I've got two routines)
on setEmptyTrash_(sender) set trashEmptyNumber to trashEmptyNumber as integer set trashIncrement to trashIncrement as integer if (trashEmptyNumber ≤ 11 and trashIncrement ≥ 10) or trashEmptyNumber ≤ 9 then set trashIncrement to 1 else if (trashEmptyNumber ≤ 90 and trashIncrement ≥ 10) or trashEmptyNumber ≤99 then set trashIncrement to 10 else if (trashEmptyNumber ≥ 90 and trashIncrement = 10) then set trashIncrement to 100 else if (trashEmptyNumber ≤ 100 and trashIncrement = 100) then set trashIncrement to 10 end if end if end if trashStepper's setIncrement_(trashIncrement) my saveThePrefs() end setEmptyTrash_