G'day once again scripters.
I've taken John Welchs advice, and am trying to save my apps variables in a .plist file instead of a text file, and can already seem some advantages. However, I've struck a snag in that some of my variables are being errored as not keycode compliant. I don't know what that means, and searching on the net has proved fruitless.
Specifically, I need to store a list of 13 variables in the first sub-dictionary which contains…
The chosen cell of a radio button (which ATM is causing the error. I've tried setting it as text and as an integer, a display dialog as text on it shows '0'.
and also a sub-dictionary with two NSDates, so also...
This handler is where I'm setting my playlistsRandomly as the radio buttons cell value
on retrieveDefaultsOne_(sender) set theChoice to defaults's objectForKey_("bottomButtonChoice") matrixPlaylistsRandomly's selectCellAtRow_column_(theChoice, 0) set my playlistsRandomly to theChoice end retrieveDefaultsOne_
This handler is where I (try) create the first sub-dictionary out of 5 sub-dictionaries. ATM it's failing on the first variable my playlistsRandomly which is the radio button row variable.
on setSavingList() try say 1 set TheSavingList1 to current application's NSDictionary's dictionaryWithObjects_forKeys_({my playlistsRandomly, my playTracklistsRandomly, my playFullyRandomly as boolean, my playFullyRandomlySetValue as integer, my playAdvertisementTracksRandomly, my numberOfAdvertisementsLow as integer, my numberOfAdvertisementsHigh as integer, my advertisementLow as integer, my advertisementHigh as integer, my playPromotionTracksRandomly, my numberOfPromotionsLow as integer, my numberOfPromotionsHigh as integer, my promotionLow as integer, my promotionHigh as integer}, {"PlaylistsRandomlyData", "playTracklistsRandomlyData", "playFullyRandomlyData", "playFullyRandomlySetValueData", "playAdvertisementTracksRandomlyData", "numberOfAdvertisementsLowData", "numberOfAdvertisementsHighData", "advertisementLowData", "advertisementHighData", "playPromotionTracksRandomlyData", "numberOfPromotionsLowData", "numberOfPromotionsHighData", "promotionLowData", "promotionHighData"}) on error errmsg display dialog "setSavingList " & errmsg end try say 2 return TheSavingList1 end setSavingList
This handler is where i'll try and store tow NSDates, set by date pickers. Any expected problems I might encounter, I could use advice on, please.
on setNSDatesSaving() try set TheSavingList3 to current application's NSDictionary's dictionaryWithObjects_forKeys_({my startDateTimeNSDAte, my finishDateTimeNSDAte}, {"startDateTimeNSDAteData", "finishDateTimeNSDAteData"}) on error errmsg display dialog "setNSDatesSaving " & errmsg end try return TheSavingList3 end setNSDatesSaving
This is my main saving handler...
on saveData() -- triggered by Save in File menu try if my OKtoSaveData then try set thePlayListArray to SelectedPlaylistsArrayController's arrangedObjects() end try set p to 1 if my workingFileName does not start with "ADJ " then set my workingFileName to "ADJ " & my workingFileName as text set pathToDataFolder to path to documents folder tell application "Finder" if not (exists folder "ADJ Documents" of pathToDataFolder) then make new folder at pathToDataFolder with properties {name:"ADJ Documents"} end tell set theHFSPath to pathToDataFolder & "ADJ Documents:" & my workingFileName & ".plist" as text set my workingFilePath to POSIX path of theHFSPath set GeneralDataData to my setSavingList() set IntroSignoffTracksData to my setIntroSignoffTracks() set NSDatesSavingData to my setNSDatesSaving() set TheHoursMinutesData to my saveTheHoursMinutes() set myDict to current application's NSDictionary's dictionaryWithObjects_forKeys_({thePlayListArray, GeneralDataData, IntroSignoffTracksData, NSDatesSavingData, TheHoursMinutesData}, {"thePlayListArray", "GeneralDataData", "IntroSignoffTracksData", "NSDatesSavingData", "TheHoursMinutesData"}) try display dialog workingFilePath as text myDict's writeToFile_atomically_(workingFilePath, true) on error errmsg display dialog "Writing to file error " & errmsg end try set workingFileSaveNamePath to pathToDataFolder & "ADJ Documents:. Working File.dat" as text set fileRef to (open for access workingFileSaveNamePath with write permission) set eof fileRef to 0 write my workingFileName to fileRef close access fileRef end if on error errmsg number errNum try close access fileRef end try display dialog "Save Data error " & errmsg & return & return & errNum & return & return & "p = " & p end try end saveData