G'day scripters
I've learnt that sandboxed apps cannot use the Finder, but in place of it, how can I specifically...
1. Check if a folder exists in the sandbox 'Documents' folder
2 Create a new folder in the sandboxed 'Documents' folder
3 Replace the Finder 'set everyFile to every file of documentsFolder whose name contains ".plist"
4 Get a file to run in place of this handler,
on openMyScriptFile_(sender)
set pathToApplescriptFile to path to current application as text
tell application "Finder"
set applescriptFile to pathToApplescriptFile & "Contents:Resources:ApplescriptObjC Wizard.scpt"
open applescriptFile
end tell
on error errmsg
display dialog errmsg
end try
end openMyScriptFile_
I've been googling for four hours, and cannot find the answers.