nd I cannot work out from Explored 5 how to convert it from Mountain Lion to Yosemite.
Any guidance greatly appreciated.
if weFoundAMatchingColorFlag then
set eachAttributedCharacterCounter to 0
set theFlashingNSColor to my matchAColor("Flashing Gold")
set p to 41
set fontAccess to current application's NSFontAttributeName
# Now, set every character of the copied text to a single color.
set tempStringText to theSameColoredAttributedText's |string|() as text
repeat with eachAttributedCharacterCounter from 1 to (count of tempStringText) # as integer
set p to 42
# Grab the Attributed font of each individual character
if item (eachAttributedCharacterCounter as integer) of tempStringText is not "" as text then
set p to 43
# Note that the Attributed text is zero based, so we subtract 1
set myFont to (theSameColoredAttributedText's attribute:(current application's NSFontAttributeName) atIndex:((eachAttributedCharacterCounter - 1) as integer) effectiveRange:{(eachAttributedCharacterCounter - 1) as integer, 1})
set p to 44
# Set the actual single character of the copied text to a single color,
# whilst keeping the font characteristics the same.
set attrsDict to (current application's NSDictionary's dictionaryWithObjects:{myFont, theFlashingNSColor} forKeys:{current application's NSFontAttributeName, current application's NSForegroundColorAttributeName})
set p to 45
tell theSameColoredAttributedText to setAttributes:attrsDict range:{(eachAttributedCharacterCounter - 1) as integer, 1 as integer}
end if
end repeat
end if