Shane, thank you very, very much.
Your statement that I had to use either a alloc()’s init() or a blue cube finally gelled everything I’d read in Explored. I’m using blue cubes. Concrete advice, great.
I seem to have the setPathToMMFolder() routine working, and have re-coded all the 6 handlers for OddsNSods.
I’m setting an OddsNSods property to all the handler variables that I want returned, as a list, then I set the matching variables in my AppDelegate to the OddsNSods's property list. I presume that’s the way to do it? Anyway, it’s working.
From AppDelegate...
on checkTheDisks() OAS's checkTheDisks:{serverFolder, serverBackupState, theMailManagerErrorMessages, holding_folder} set {my serverBackupState, my theMailManagerErrorMessages} to OAS's returnDiskFlags my checkForAnnualReport() end checkTheDisks
If I’m supposed to use a different method of calling setPathToMMFolderOAS:temp then I’m at a loss on how to understand what to do.
You have to address an instance of the OddsNSods, not the class itself. if you don't already have one, it means either creating one using alloc()'s init() and storing it in a property of the calling script, or doing it in the interface by dragging in a blue cube, changing its class to your class, and making a connection to a property that way. Whatever, there has to be an instance, and you need to talk to that instance.