G'day scripters
This has frustrated me.
I've been through Shanes book, but can't see an answer, unless I'm overlooking something.
I've tried all sorts of things, included trying to coerce the variable into a list within the 'current application "Mailer's"'. If I remove the variable theTotalProcessingListTemp then everything works fine.
I get an error message say about 'can't make' and then the file path ' to the expected type'.
I've also error trapped the Mailer end.
I'm only asking here because I've spent four fruitless hours trying to find an answer.
Any advice please? Thanks in advance.
on sendftpDownload_pdf(theFlag) try tell application "Finder" if not (exists folder holding_folder) then return set p to 1 set theTotalProcessingListTemp to ((get every file of entire contents of folder holding_folder) as list) end tell set p to 2 current application's Mailer's sendftpDownload_({preFlightpdfList, PrintDateTimeName, BarCodeDateTimeName, FolderDailyName, ftpPrintName, RunForOz, theTotalProcessingListTemp as list, theFlag}) on error errmsg display dialog "sendftpDownload_pdf p = " & p & return & return & errmsg end try end sendftpDownload_pdf