I've got a pop-up list of system fonts a user can chose from, but it looks awful without the font names actually displaying as their actual fonts, so I thought I'd try and list them as Attributed text fonts.
Any advice please on if it's possible, and if so, where I'm going wrong.
my fontButton's removeAllItems()
tell application "Font Book"
set theFonts to the name of font families
end tell
set hitTheFont to 0
tell windowMain to display()
set p to 2
repeat with x from 1 to (count of theFonts)
-- here we tell the menu to create the item and add it
set eachFont to item x of theFonts as text
set p to 3
if eachFont as text is my theFontInUseReference as text then set hitTheFont to (x - 1) as integer
set p to 4
-- here we tell the menu to create the item and add it
tell current application's NSFont to set myFont to fontWithName_size_(eachFont as text, 16.0 as number)
set p to 5
tell current application's NSDictionary to set thisAttributedFont to dictionaryWithObject_forKey_(myFont, current application's NSFontAttributeName)
set p to 6
current application's NSLog("myFont = %@", myFont)
set p to 7
current application's NSLog("attributedFont = %@", thisAttributedFont)
tell current application's NSAttributedString to set eachAttributedFontString to alloc()'s initWithString_attributes_(eachFont as text, thisAttributedFont)
current application's NSLog("eachAttributedFont = %@", eachAttributedFontString)
set p to 8
# This method does not add any titles
my fontButton's |menu|()'s addItemWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_(setAttributedTitle_(eachAttributedFontString), "changeTheFont:", "")
# This method also does not add any titles
#my fontButton's |menu|()'s addItemWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_(eachAttributedFontString, "changeTheFont:", "")
on error errmsg number errnum
# errnum = -10000 is an empty myFont
if errnum ≠ -10000 then my thereHasBeenAnError("setUpMainMessagesView menu set-up loop", errmsg, errnum, 0, p)
end try
end repeat
tell windowMain to display()
my fontButton's selectItemAtIndex_(hitTheFont as integer)
The log...
2014-10-02 14:45:12.398 ApplescriptObjC Wizard[26934:303] myFont = "Monotypecom 16.00 pt. P [] (0x13c8f2f60) fobj=0x13dd139d0, spc=9.60"
2014-10-02 14:45:12.398 ApplescriptObjC Wizard[26934:303] attributedFont = {
NSFont = "\"Monotypecom 16.00 pt. P [] (0x13c8f2f60) fobj=0x13dd139d0, spc=9.60\"";
2014-10-02 14:45:12.398 ApplescriptObjC Wizard[26934:303] eachAttributedFont = Monotype.com{ NSFont = "\"Monotypecom 16.00 pt. P [] (0x13c8f2f60) fobj=0x13dd139d0, spc=9.60\"";