G'day scripters.
To explain…
I'ver got a table that contains data that I want the user to be able to re-arrange in any order they require, and an up and a down arrow to facilitate this. Also, I've got a button that deletes any selected item.
The arrows only become visible when more than one item is in the table.
I'd very much like the arrows to be visible when an item is selected, and the delete button to be disabled when no item is selected. Shane's Explorer tells us how to bind a delete button, but I can't use it, because of the arrows needing to only be visible when the count of the items > 1, so I need to call a handler as well as bind.
Also, the visibility of the arrows can't be bound to the 'remove' action of the Array Controller.
Is there any way of binding so that…
1. The remove button is only enabled when a line is selected, as explained in Explorer,
2. The arrow buttons are only visible when a line is selected, and, the count of the tables items > 1?
Any advise as to whether or not such a thing is possible greatly appreciated.
Santa |