I've struck two problems, which I've spent the last 5 hours trying to work out.
The first is I'm trying to set a new Attributed string to a part of a longer Attributed string, but my method is failing.
The second is I'm trying to retrieve the red, green, blue, alpha vales of an Attributed text character, without success.
I've tried all sorts of permutations with both, to no avail, so would appreciate some guidance please.
Any advice appreciated, please.
The code is below.
set mainMessagesStringText to mainMessagesView's |string|() as text
set mainMessagesAttributedText to mainMessagesView's textStorage()
set theTotal to (count of mainMessagesStringText) as integer
#say (item theTotal of mainMessagesAttributableText is linefeed) as text
set theRange to (count of mainMessagesStringText's paragraphs) as integer
set theEndOfPlainTextParagraph to -1 as integer
set p to 1
repeat with paragraphCounter from 1 to (theRange + 1)
set p to 1.1
if paragraphCounter as integer is (theRange + 1) as integer then
say "no match " as text
exit repeat
end if
set tempParagraphString to paragraph (paragraphCounter as integer) of mainMessagesStringText as text
set theStartOfPlainTextParagraph to (theEndOfPlainTextParagraph + 1) as integer
if tempParagraphString as text is "" as text then
set theEndOfPlainTextParagraph to theStartOfPlainTextParagraph
set theEndOfPlainTextParagraph to theStartOfPlainTextParagraph + ((count of paragraph paragraphCounter of mainMessagesStringText) as integer)
end if
# We have to allow for the first 4 paragraphs (including 2 blank lines), being left alone
if paragraphCounter as integer > 4 as integer then
set p to 1.2
if tempParagraphString as text is not "" as text then
set theParagraphLength to ((count of tempParagraphString) as text) as integer
say 2
display dialog theEndOfPlainTextParagraph & return & theTotal as text # <== 537,537, so matches
set theVariedAttributedText to initWithAttributedString_(mainMessagesAttributedText's attributedSubstringFromRange_(theStartOfPlainTextParagraph as integer, theEndOfPlainTextParagraph as integer))
say 3
set p to 1.3
# The following two lines can be used to double-check that we've actually selected an alpha-numeric character, not a linefeed
set checkitem to item 1 of tempParagraphString
display dialog checkitem as text
set itemForAttributes to theVariedAttributedText's attributesAtIndex_effectiveRange_(1 as integer, {1 as integer, 1 as integer})
set p to 1.4
set colorAccess to current application's NSForegroundColorAttributeName
set p to 1.5
set myFontColor to itemForAttributes's objectForKey_(colorAccess)
say 5
# What's the correct terminology for this line, please?
set {red1, green1, blue1, alpha1} to itemForAttributes's myFontColor's getRed_green_blue_alpha_(red, green, blue, alpha)
say 6
set p to 1.6
set theRequiredNSColor to itemForAttributes's objectForKey_(colorAccess)
set theRequiredNSColorAttributes to theRequiredNSColor's getRed_green_blue_alpha_(red2, green2, blue2, alpha2)
set p to 1.75
set weFoundAColorFlag to true
if red1 ≠ red2 or green1 ≠ green2 or blue1 ≠ blue2 then set weFoundAColorFlag to false
say weFoundAColorFlag as text
if weFoundAColorFlag then
set p to 1.7
set theoffset to ((count of paragraph (paragraphCounter as integer) of mainMessagesAttributableText) as integer)
set p to 1.8
set theSameColoredAttributedText to setAttributedString_(theVariedAttributedText)
on error
display dialog "Flash the message find match inner loop " & errmsg & " p =" & p
end try
exit repeat
end if
end if
end if
end repeat
on error errmsg
display dialog "Flash the message find match" & return & return & errmsg & " Point of error = " & p & return & return & "paragraphCounter = " & paragraphCounter as integer
end try