I've re-=read the CF documentation, and now think my CF method won't work, because the method calls for a pre-existing CF string.
So, I've reverted back to code I'd already tried that didn't work, but I can't for the life of me figure out why? It's very frustrating.
Here's my latest effort (really my first one).
Feedback requested, please
# # This works, but I think returns an immutable Attributed text item # set itemForAttributes to theVariedAttributedText's attributedSubstringFromRange_({1 as integer, 1 as integer}) # # # I tried this from 'Explored', but it freezes on 'say 7' # set aMutableCopyOfItemForAttributes to itemForAttributes's mutableCopy() # say 5 set colorAccess to current application's NSForegroundColorAttributeName # <= 'NSColor' set p to 1.5 # #display dialog colorAccess as text # # say 7 # This method freezes, but WHY? # set myFontColor to aMutableCopyOfItemForAttributes's objectForKey_(colorAccess) # # This method freezes, but WHY? # #set theAttributedTextItemsKeys to aMutableCopyOfItemForAttributes's allKeys() as list # # #display dialog theAttributedTextItemsKeys as text # |