There's just so many possibilities that I need to one again request help.
I've tried (amongst others) the five permutations below, each with an 'unrecognised selector' error trap error. Without the error trap, the log reports the same.
on the net, but it does not seem to relate to the ASObjC method that's required.
Two questions, please.
1. Am I on the right track to create a non-concrete Attributable string, and if so…
2. What's the correct terminology please?
set tempAttributedString to mainMessagesAttributedText's attributedSubstringFromRange_({(theStartOfPlainTextParagraph - 1) as integer, theParagraphLength as integer})
set theItemAsString to tempAttributedString's |string|() #<= Attributed string (the required paragraph)
#display dialog theItemAsString as text # <= paragraph text
say 2
set theVariedAttributedText to current application's CFAttributedStringCreateMutableCopy({null, theParagraphLength as integer, tempAttributedString})
say 2.1
on error errmsg
display dialog errmsg
end try
set theVariedAttributedText to current application's CFAttributedStringCreateMutableCopy(null, theParagraphLength as integer, tempAttributedString)
say 2.2
on error errmsg
display dialog errmsg
end try
set theVariedAttributedText to current application's CFAttributedStringCreateMutableCopy_({null, theParagraphLength as integer, tempAttributedString})
say 2.3
on error errmsg
display dialog errmsg
end try
set theVariedAttributedText to current application's CFAttributedStringCreateMutableCopy_(null, theParagraphLength as integer, tempAttributedString)
say 2.4
on error errmsg
display dialog errmsg
end try
set theVariedAttributedText to current application's CFAttributedStringCreateMutableCopy_CFIndex_CFAttributedStringRef_({null, theParagraphLength as integer, tempAttributedString})
say 2.5
on error errmsg
display dialog errmsg
end try
set theVariedAttributedText to current application's CFAttributedStringCreateMutableCopy_CFIndex_CFAttributedStringRef_(null, theParagraphLength as integer, tempAttributedString)
say 2.6
on error errmsg
display dialog errmsg
end try