G’day scripters.
I have a question, that is probably more directed at Shane Stanley.
As part of my Xcode app process, I have a small Applescript app that, when some folder actions call it, runs until it’s satisfied that the ftp download entering the folders are completed. Takes about 40 seconds to make sure. During this time, it enters 2 delays of 20 seconds between checking. It then saves the folder name to a .dat file that is monitored by my Xcode app.
However, during the delays, it get the spinning cursor, and my Xcode app is unresponsive. I’m presuming it’s because the Applesctript runner can only handle one process at a time.
My question is, if I build that small Applescript app as an Xcode app, and use a
my performSelector:”ftp Watcher Loop:" withObject:(missing value) afterDelay:20
instead of a delay (or shell script (“sleep 20”)), will my main app become responsive?
Thanks in advance
Santa |