G’day all
I’m trying to run 2 ASObjC applications simultaneously, but it seems I can’t do it, from my tests. Only one seems to be able to run at once.
I’ve checked Shane’s ‘Explored’, and can’t find info on this. Might be missing something though.
My situation is that if I open the second App each time I want to run it, to make it foolproof I am testing for its Assistive devices setting each time I open it. Takes a bit of time, and where the app normally takes 1 minute 5 seconds to process an email if I can run the 2nd App without testing for Assistive settings, I can reduce that time to 44 seconds.
As time is essential for my running, I’d like to test for Assistive settings once, set a flag to ‘true’ once it’s set, then just keep the app open, and cycle through a hander, that only progresses to handling mail if if finds a certain parameter-transferring .dat file on the desktop.
This is NOT working, and I don’t want to have Quit and Re-start the second App.
1. Is it possible AT ALL to run 2 ASObjC apps at the same time, and have them cycle continuously?
2. Is it possible to send an ‘Activate-the-second-App’ on demand, instead of cycling? The code ‘tell application “Mail Manager Loop Runner" to activate' does not seem to run an all-ready open ASObjC App.
I’ve spent quite a few hours trying different things out, but any answers to these question might rule out errors in my coding.
Any advice greatly appreciated.
Santa |