on enabledGUIScripting(flag) # Curtesy of Bill Cheeseman
considering numeric strings
set MountainLionOrOlder to system version of (system info) < "10.9"
end considering
if MountainLionOrOlder then
-- In OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion and older, enable GUI Scripting globally by calling this handler and passing 'true' in the flag parameter before your script executes any GUI Scripting commands, or pass 'false' to disable GUI Scripting. Authentication is required only if the value of the 'UI elements enabled' property will be changed. Returns the final setting of 'UI elements enabled' even if unchanged.
tell application "System Events"
activate -- brings System Events authentication dialog to front
set UI elements enabled to flag
return UI elements enabled
end tell
-- In OS X 10.9 Mavericks and newer, global access is no longer available and GUI Scripting can only be enabled manually on a per-application basis. Pass true to present an alert with a button to open System Preferences and telling the user to select the current application (the application running the script) in the Accessibility list in the Security & Privacy preference's Privacy pane. Authentication is required to unlock the preference. Returns the current setting of 'UI elements enabled' asynchronously, without waiting for System Preferences to open, and tells the user to run the script again.
tell application "System Events" to set GUIScriptingEnabled to UI elements enabled -- read-only in OS X 10.9 Mavericks and newer
if flag is true then
if not GUIScriptingEnabled then
tell application "System Preferences"
tell pane id "com.apple.preference.security" to reveal anchor "Privacy_Accessibility"
end tell
set thePreface to ""
if my GUcounter > 0 then
set thePreface to "••••• PLEASE NOTE •••••" & return & return & "You MUST set the tick box of 'Mail Manager Loop Runner'." & return & "I cannot proceed until you do!" & return & return & "You've had " & GUcounter & " attempts." & return & return as text
end if
set my GUcounter to (my GUcounter) + 1
tell application "System Events"
display dialog thePreface & "It seems that the Accessibilty for this Application 'Mail Manager Loop Runner' is not set correctly, even though it might appear ticked." & return & return & "I have opened 'System Preferences'. " & return & return & "Set the preference of 'Accessibility' in 'Security & Privacy', then click the padlock icon, then please enter your log on password in the dialog box, & tick or re-tick the 'Mail Manager Loop Runner' box. " & return & return & "When it's ticked, click the red round 'close' button on the 'Security & Privacy' window, then click the 'Continue' button below." & return with title "Mail Manager Loop Runner" buttons {"Continue"} default button "Continue" with icon stop giving up after 180
set my keyReturned to button returned of the result
end tell
set p to 17
tell application "System Events" to set GUIScriptingEnabled to UI elements enabled -- read-only in OS X 10.9 Mavericks and newer
end if
end if
return GUIScriptingEnabled
end if
end enabledGUIScripting