G’day scripters
I’m trying to get a script to stay open, and run every 10 seconds, but getting a ‘stack overflow’.
I don’t want to enter any terminal commands to run it periodically, as I don’t want it to be permanant.
I’ve tried this, but the shell script to quit & restart does not seem to recognize scripts.
I know the path is OK, with display dialog FolderActions
It’s the ‘killall’ that doesn’t seem to work. Only for .apps apparently. Or is there some special process I can kill?
Also tried an ‘idle’ command, but the script quits.
It’s called as a folder action script, so I can’t save as an App.
Any suggestions please?
tell application "Finder" set FolderActions to POSIX path of (path to Folder Action scripts folder from user domain) end tell try say 1 do shell script ("killall 'ftp Downloader'&&sleep 10&&open -a FolderActions&'ftp Downloader.scpt'") say 2 on error errMsg tell application "System Events" to display dialog errMsg giving up after 5 end try say 3 do shell script ("sleep 10") tell me to run
Errors with sh: ftp Downloader.scpt: command not found No matching processes belonging to you were found
on run say "start" my SetUpFile2() end run
on idle tell me to run return 10 end idle