Someone in the list (I think it was from augd) suggested to send some feedback to apple.
"I do not know under what reason Apple, Inc. decided to remove the iCards service from Mobile Me, but I think it was a mistake.
Therefore the groups in the maryland and eastern coast of the USA, and Puerto Rico, Hawaii and other outlying places have a petition online to ask you guys to please bring iCards back to Mobile Me.
Here is the link to the signatures:
And here is the petiton itself:
Many of your customers have very good points in bringing them back:
"This service is much more straightforward and the ecards are better looking than those offered on other websites. With the mac logo on every card, there is a plug for the company."
"PLEASE!! Have brought over many a PC user to the Apple Website, from this aspect!"
"Apple iCards were of the highest quality in the web, and helped Apple establish their brand as a quality item producer. It's been kept free even when the rest of .Mac become commercial, and should remain so as a vehicle for the Apple brand."
Listen to them, because Apple is what it is today, because of us."
Gilbert Palau
network engineer, MCSE, ASE
"If you talk to God you are religious. If God talks to you, then you're psychotic -Dr. House, MD"