If you really are looking for the speed, pro is often the best option for MacBook-type products. One nice option available is NewerTechnologies' (avail. from Other World Computing, by the way) MiniStack v3. It connects as both hub and storage device adding FW400/800 and many more connectivity options.
The difference in performance with both MacBook and MacBook Pro in the newer models is dramatic over previous models and, as much as I do miss FW400, I don't miss it nearly as much in practice now that I am using one. Peripherals are still faster because the time getting them to the port is so reduced.
I have connected all of my devices, shy of my FW400 hub, and that comes back with the MiniStack. Also, Western Digital's new drives will connect with a FW400 - FW800 dongle cable if needed, or a few other options. Faster drives, faster MacBook.
I was pleasantly surprised by how much better things are (shy of the new trackpad - a story for another thread, indeed) in terms of performance and "perceived" throughput for the peripherals. I work with very large image, design, video and 3D files and the time I save on what's inside the MacBook makes it well worth it for what I want/need without moving up to a Mac Pro desktop.
Dan ___ A message from Daniel M. East The Apple Groups Team (TAGteam)
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