Hi All
I like many people forget to bring up things at meetings at the end of the month when our group meets. Our attendance has improved since I have been sending out email's reminding the members of the meeting time and date. This really helps with the new members.
iCal to the rescue. I stumbled upon a feature in ical by accident. I have been using Ical to send me an email alarm of our meeting date 7days before our meeting night. I then put together an email to our membership reminding them of the upcoming meeting and what the members were interested in.
In iCal at the bottom of a New Event or Edit an event, are notes. I typed the subject I was to use at the meeting hitting a return and making a kind of list. I also used the alarm on this meeting event of the 7days before and just before our next meeting I received my email from ical. With it came the entire list I put in the notes portion of the Event, making it very easy to copy and paste this todo list into our email reminder for the group. This allowed our members to see what we where going to do at the next meeting, remind them to come to it and call me on anything we did not bring up.(Member participation is great)
All of this added to our membership attendance and I received sad emails for those that could not attend because of conflicts. One member even spoke up when we missed something on the list and added something to be put on next months list.
Now when a member emails me with a great question, I add the subject to the list of our next meeting. We also add to the list at the meeting for topic request by members for next month. When I save the edited item to the meeting night in question, ical dialogue box comes up an asks me if I want this for just this event or ongoing, because I have all the meeting nights repeating already. I just click on this event only and next month is untouched for future edits and ad ons.
I hope sharing this helps at least one of you.