Monday 20-Oct
- San Gabriel Valley Macintosh Users Group - Follow Up to Apple News & Updates
Tuesday 21-Oct
- MacNexus - 30th Anniversary Celebration
- Citrus Macintosh Users Group - Pages and iDevice Writing Apps
- Macintosh Meeting and Drinking Society - Creating a Podcast Demo
- North Coast Mac User Group - 30th Anniversary Celebration
- Keystone MacCentral - iOS 8 information, Reflektor, 1Password, Photos, and Amazon Prime!
- Hershey Apple Core - Cool Utilities, iPhone 6 and Apple News
- Macintosh Users Group of Delaware - TBA
- Apple Pie User Group of Southeast Michigan - Dropbox
Wednesday 22-Oct
- MACtreff Dusseldorf (Germany) - Arbeiten mit iPhoto
- Los Angeles Creative Pro Users Group - The iZotope RX4 audio repair tool is nothing short of magical. You must see it. Audio Guru Brian San Marco will present.
Ryan Hunter and Josh Mellicker will show a series of color stylizing techniques using the newly released "FilmStyles" filters for Final Cut Pro X.
We welcome editor Misha Tennenbaum. "Mastering a Craft - How does a person know when he or she has become a master at something?" Can a person be a "master" of a subjective art form? Let the discussion begin.
And filmmaker Steve Payne returns with a Show and Tell featuring a day in the life at Burning Man.
- Sarasota/Manatee Macintosh User Group - TBA
Thursday 23-Oct
- SF Cutters - Filmmakers Maureen Gosling & Josh Feldman
- Citrus Macintosh Users Group - Mac Lab - Think FixIt
- Citrus Macintosh Users Group -iDevices for Beginners Class
- Citrus Macintosh Users Group - iOS 8 Class/Forum
Friday 24-Oct
- Citrus Macintosh Users Group - TBA
Saturday 25-Oct
- Washington Apple PI - A Visit from Apple (Part 2)
- North East Ohio Apple Corps - TBA