Monday 20-Jul
- San Gabriel Valley Macintosh Users Group - Photos app
- Silicon Valley Mac User Group - Apple Music with Jeff Gamet
Tuesday 21-Jul
- MacNexus - El Capitan and iOS 9
- Apple iClub - Effortless Soultions for Novice Mac Users to Detect and Avoid
- Macintosh Meeting and Drinking Society - Help/Q&A
- North Coast Mac User Group - No Meeting
- Maine Macintosh Owners & Operators Society - "Where'd My Photos Go?"
- Keystone MacCentral - No Meeting - Summer Break
- Macintosh Users Group of Delaware - TBA
- Apple Pie User Group of Southeast Michigan - Getting Rid of Adware and Malware on Your Mac
- Atlanta Macintosh Users Group - TBA
Wednesday 22-Jul
- Apple iClub - Apple Preview in Yosemite; Editing PDFs
- Lancaster County Apple Corps - No Meeting
- Los Angeles Creative Pro Users Group - Heather Williams from Atomos who will show off the new Atomos Shogun and more. Plus Jim Tierney from Digital Anarchy who will show us the latest Beauty Box Video. Plus Alicia Reed from JVC who will show us the new and must see GY-LS300CHU Digital Cinema Camera. Plus Filmmaker John Putch shows us how he made a James Bond type title sequence for his latest comedy ROUTE 30 THREE! using off the shelf plug ins and a timeline in Adobe CC Premiere Pro.
- Sarasota/Manatee Macintosh User Group - TBA
- District Digital Creatives - Creative Cloud 2015
Thursday 23-Jul
- Boston Creative Pro User Group - No July Meeting
Friday 24-Jul
- Citrus Macintosh Users Group - TBA
Saturday 25-Jul
- Washington Apple PI - Allison Druin, computer futurist
- North East Ohio Apple Corps - Annual Picnic