Monday 18-May
- San Gabriel Valley Macintosh Users Group - More Mac Treasures
Tuesday 19-May
- Seattle Xcoders - NSCoders Night
- North Coast Mac User Group - Smile presents Productivity Apps for Control Freaks: PDFpen and TextExpander
- Apple Pie User Group of Southeast Michigan - Clean, Optimize and Maintain Your Mac
- Macintosh Meeting and Drinking Society - TBA
- Keystone MacCentral - Artista Impresso Pro
- MacNexus - TBA
Wednesday 20-May
- Maine Macintosh Owners & Operators Society - My Life and Times
- MACtreff Dusseldorf (Germany) - Musikbearbeitung mit iTunes
- Tuscon Macintosh Users Group - Strategic Backup Plans to Keep Your Data Safe
- Maui Apple Users Society - Apple Watch
- Eugene Macintosh Users Group - TBA
- Diablo Valley Macintosh Users Group - How to Create Your Film Fest Entry
- Lancaster Couty Apple Corps - TBA
- Central Oregon Mac User Group - Board Member Elections
Thursday 21-May
- Tidewater Macintosh Users Group - Apple Watch
- Atlanta Macintosh User Group - TBA
- Tri-Valley Macintosh Users Group - Apple Numbers Program
Saturday 23-May
- Washington Apple PI - Super Start of Summer