Monday 26-Oct
- Triangle Macintosh Users Group - VPNs and your iOS Devices - what are the options?
Tuesday 27-Oct
- Seattle Xcoders - NSCoders Night
Wednesday 28-Oct
- Connecticut Macintosh Connection - The Latest Operating Systems From Apple
- Gold Coast Mac User Group - Photoshop and Elements; Cool El Capitan Tips; Microsoft Office 365
- Macintosh Users East (Canada) - Finder View Options and Finder Preferences; Exploring Facebook
- Sarasota Macintosh User Group - TBA
- Los Angeles Creative Pro Users Group - Cutting Horror movies, and practical and visual effects, CGI and Sound design in Horror movies. Editor Ed Marx will take us through his workflow and give us tips on what he has learned over the years cutting Horror movies. Also we welcome director David Rountree. who will show us clips from his recent festival favorite and award winning horror film, CUT and discuss the practical and visual FX that went into this movie.
Thursday 29-Oct
- Cleveland Digital Publishing Users Group - El Capitan