1 - The MUG Event Calendar for the Week of June 13: WWDC, Lee Hutchison of Ars Technica, and Home Automation
1 - The MUG Event Calendar for the Week of June 13: WWDC, Lee Hutchison of Ars Technica, and Home Automation
Apple’s World Wide Developers Conference and whatever announcements that are made will be the topic of discussion at Apple User Groups everywhere this week (and for weeks to come), but some other topics are notable on the agenda. They include a presentation on WiFi by Lee Hutchison of Ars Technica in Texas, Home Automation in Florida and replacing a laptop with an iPad in Australia. (more)
Monday 13-Jun
- Gold Coast Macintosh User Group (Australia) - New iPhone and iPad demonstrations and feedback; Can an iPad replace a laptop or desktop computer; Streaming services; Printing options; Back to Basics...make a slideshow incorporating your music from Garageband; Jeff's Gadgets; Q and A; iCloud options how to get the most from this service
- Apple iClub - TBA
- San Luis Obispo Mac Users Group - TBA
- Triangle Macitosh Meetup - Remote monitoring and control of homes and offices
- Portland Macintosh Users Group -
- Silicon Mountain Macintosh User Group - Cutting the Cable
- London Macintosh Users Group - WWDC 2016 Live Event!
Tuesday 14-Jun
- Princeton Macintosh Users' Group - Members Night
- MacWichita - TBA
- Charlotte Apple Computer Club - TBA
- Santa Fe Macintosh User Group - Apple's WWDC 2016 News
- Ocala Macintosh User Group - Home Automation and the Internet of Things
- MacinTech - Network Attached Storage
- Black Canyon Macintosh User Group - TBA
- Boston Creative Pro Users Group - No Meeting
- Maryland Apple Corps - TBA
- Capitol Macintosh - WWDC Highlights
- AppleWichita - TBA
Wednesday 15-Jun
- Diablo Valley Macintosh User Group - AppleTV - Roku Shootout
- Central Oregon Macintosh Users Group - iOS updates, tvOS Update, OSX El Capitan update
- Tuscon Macintosh Users Group - Apple vs. FBI Update; Intro to H-P Ink Subscription Program; Antenna Amplifier for iPhones
- Hershey Apple Core - Summer Hiatus
- Lancaster Couty Apple Corps - Where's that File?
Thursday 16-Jun
- Chico Apple User Group - TBA
- Tidewater Macintosh Users Group - Using Other OS 10 functionalities
Friday 17-Jun
- South Palm Mac Users Group - TBA
Saturday 18-Jun
- Hawaii Macintosh & Apple Users' Society - TBA
- Dallas Macintosh User Group - Changes Coming to Mac OS, Nissus Writer Pro
- Macs@PACS - 40th Anniversary
- Annapolis Apple Slice - Meet, Greet, Show, Demo, Help. A social workshop.
- Tuscarawas County Mac Users Group - TBA
- Houston Area Apple Users Group - Going Beyond Regular WiFi with Lee Hutchison of Ars Technica