Tuesday 29-Mar
- Seattle Xcoders - NSCoders Night
Wednesday 30-Mar
- Connecticut Mac Connection - Bart Busschots
- Los Angeles Creative Pro Users Group - We welcome back FCPX and Premiere Pro Guru Larry Jordan for what might be his final appearance at lacpug. Larry will tell us EVERYTHING you will ever need to know about Media Management in Premiere Pro CC & Final Cut Pro X. The 2016 winner of the Karen Schmeer Film Editing Fellowship is Eileen Meyer. Eileen joins us to talk about what this award is, how to apply and her career path.
Mike Matzdorff & Sam Mestman return to lacpug to demystify Final Cut Pro X Sharing & show how FCP X can save you the cost of an “on-line.”
- Gold Coast Macintosh User Group (Florida) - Family Sharing of Calendars; Keychain; New/Update to iOS 9.3
Thursday 31-Mar
- Cleveland Digital Publishing Group - Library Orientation
- Ocala Macintosh User Group - Workshop Tips & Tricks