Monday 17-Oct
- San Gabriel Valley Macintosh Users Group - New Apple Stuff
- Silicon Valley Macintosh Users Group - Chuck Joiner of MacVoices on "What Apple Does Right"
Tuesday 18-Oct
- Macintosh Users Group of Delaware - TBA
- Boston Creative Pro User Group - No Meeting
- Seattle Xcoders - XCoders Night
- Apple PIE User Group of Southeast Michigan - How to Prepare for the Inevitable: Recovery Drive
- Macintosh Meeting and Drinking Society - Roundtable Discussion: Using a VPN to secure your connection.
- Maine Macintosh Owners & Operators Society - “Mac 205: Pick Up Some Milk on the Way Home, Honey”
- Keystone MacCentral - Nik Collection and Snapseed Demos
- MacNexus - Adam Engst of TidBITS and Take Control
Wednesday 19-Oct
- Lancaster Macintosh Users Group - free office suite software
- Diablo Valley Macintosh Users Group - Christian Pickman from Micromat
- Maui Apple Users Society - macOS Sierra
- Tucson Macintosh Users Group - iOS Markup in Mail, Messages, and Notes; Personal Picks: Wireless Charging for iPhone; Apple Security Update; New Hardware for iOS-10-and-related devices
- Central Oregon Macintosh Users Groups - iOS 10, watchOS 3, tvOS 10, macOS Sierra; iPhone 7 Demo, Apple Watch Series 2
- MACtreff Dusseldorf (Germany) - Windows unter OSX
Thursday 20-Oct
- Tidewater Macintosh Users Group - Search Tips
Friday 21-Oct
- Citrus Macintosh Users Group - Board of Directors Vote
Saturday 22-Oct
- Washington Apple PI - Washington Apple Pi 2016 Photo Contest Results
- South Jersey Apple User Group - Open Discussion: PHOTOS App
and Any Mac or iPad Question
- Northeast Ohio Apple Corp. - Follow up from last month’s iOS 10 talk