Tuesday 27-Sep
- Seattle Xcoders - NSCoders Night
- Macintosh Users of Deleware - TBA
Wednesday 28-Sep
- Connecticut Macintosh Connection - Adam Christianson on RSS Readers
- Oceanside Mac User Group - TBA
- Gold Coast Mac User Group - Special Coverage of NEW Features in iOS X; NEW Mac OS Sierra
- North Coast Mac User Group - Photoshop SIG
- Boston Creative Pro User Group - Special "GIANT" Virtual Reality Event
- Macintosh Users East (Canada) - Augmented reality
- Sarasota Macintosh User Group - TBA
- Los Angeles Creative Pro Users Group - The magical CineXinsert, Cinedeck’s stand-alone, file-to-file insert edit application. Also GoPro Entertainment will be presenting. They will talk about how you can get paid for your best GoPro content through two of GoPro‚Äôs latest programs: GoPro Awards and Content Licensing! GoPro will also include an informational session about GoPro‚Äôs freelance editor community for those who are interested in editing a variety of GoPro content and want to continue to improve their skill set.
Plus Larry Jordan and Norman Hollyn return after a long long time to talk Documentaries & Jordan and Hollyn Night
Thursday 29-Sep
- Cleveland Digital Publishing Users Group - Apple Keynote and Presentation Skills for the Graphic Artist