Monday 23-Jan
- Silicon Valley Macintosh Users Group - All About Podcasts
Tuesday 24-Jan
- Seattle Xcoders - NSCoders Night
- Upstate Apple Users Group - TBA
- Internet Macintosh Users Group (Australia) - TBA
Wednesday 25-Jan
- Sarasota Macintosh User Group - TBA
- Suffolk Mac User Group (U.K.) - Adobe Spark; iCloud
- Los Angeles Creative Pro Users Group - Terrence Curren from Alpha Dogs Post, who will present " Switching from Mac to PC." How to do it, if you want/need to do it.
We also welcome back Misha Tennenbaum of EditStock who will present "Finding (and Cutting) A Great Short Film."
Also we welcome back after a long long time Christine Steele, who will show and tell all about her new Documentary Take Me Home Huey.
- Connecticut Mac Connection - TBA
- Macintosh Users East (Canada) - Dropbox
- Oceanside Macintosh User Group - TBA
- Gold Coast Mac (Florida) - iCloud Drive - Demystified; iOS and iPhone Tips; The Line Up of Apple Laptops
- The Villages Apple User Group - TBA
Thursday 26-Jan
- Cleveland Digital Publishing Users Group - Using the County Library's Digital Resources
- Boston Creative Pro user Group - 'Arrival' Special Screening & Post Chat with Director Aaron Ryder
Friday 27-Jan
- Citrus Macintosh Users Group - TBA
Saturday 28-Jan
- Washington Apple PI - Parallel universes with Parallels
- Northeast Ohio Apple User Group - Shelly Brisbin and Mac Basics: Calendar