Hi Itai, Thanks for the reply. I realized after the last email I had the parent directory selected in finder, hence the workflow worked. I do find it odd that there is no ability to essentially have . passed onto an action. I wonder if there is a way to use shell scripting for this ? I tried "Run Shell Script" pwd, and passing that to a variable set, but it seems to think the cwd is my home dir, and not the location the workflow is starting at. Probably because Automator uses ~ as the home dir.
I'll probably go ahead with the drag idea. If I make it general enough the App will work for all of our builds. Cheers Rob On 4-Jun-08, at 12:09 PM, Itai Rom wrote: On Jun 4, 2008, at 11:53 AM, Robert Kukuchka wrote: Ben, Hi. I'm getting the warning The action "Get Selected Finder Items" was not supplied with the required data.
Don't worry about that warning, it's generated by actions that require input whenever they are run without receiving input. Many actions handle this situation gracefully, so if your workflow still works despite the warning then it's nothing to worry about. My whole concept for the workflow is to create an app from said workflow. Then if one of our build engineers wants to make the latest build, they'll just update CVS and run this .app. The idea is that the user just double clicks the app, it builds the XCode project, and eventually I'll probably have it reveal the output in the finder. Cheers Rob
In that case, Get Selected Finder Items won't work for you. Is the path to the working directory always the same? If so, use Get Specified Finder Items. Otherwise you'll have to determine the path at workflow runtime, which means you'll probably need to use Ask for Finder Items.
Alternatively, you can also use apps created in Automator in a droplet fashion. For example, if you drag a folder from the Finder onto the icon of an app created by Automator, the path to that folder is automatically passed into the workflow. So you could conceivably start the workflow with 'Build Xcode Project' and instruct your users to run it by dragging the working folder onto the app.