Re: Automator-users Digest, Vol 110, Issue 6
Re: Automator-users Digest, Vol 110, Issue 6
- Subject: Re: Automator-users Digest, Vol 110, Issue 6
- From: Randy Vaughn <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2015 16:50:57 -0700
Hello ___________,
(I'm not sure who you are)
I just responded to a user name Aaron how do I add my response information to my previous thread or post
I think the title of my subject line was batch renaming files or batch renaming files each file with a different number…
I wanted to do this because I got a lot of responses and I wanted to join my information with the thread or whatever …
Below is what I wanted to add to my original email or question or post or thread or whatever… I'm new to all this so I'm not clear how it works. See below.… Thanks....Randy
Hello Aaron,
August 25, 2015
To answer your question yes the files once they are on the Mac they are in proper sequence it's just that when it's midnight the counter starts at 1 again and below I talk about how to fix this problem
By the way Aaron how do I post my response below to your email on the board or whatever?
The Sony voice recorder has five folders each folder has 199 files
On the voice recorder screen it shows two labels for example let's say in folder one 77/77 or 77th file of 77 files ...
then above that will have the actual MP3 file name for the 77th file of folder 1 that looks like this 150825_036.MP3 and signifies the date and the file number (it looks the same once it's on the mac) the number 36 means it is the 36th voice file created since midnight that day.
Then after midnight it starts over with the number 1 again.
Like I said I recorded 1000 voice recordings completely filling up the unit actually it's 995 recordings....there are 199 available to files in each of the 5 folders=995 file capacity (the capacity CAN be adjusted).
So here's the problem...after midnight The file number starts over with the number 1 again.
While I was recording these 1000 voice recordings which are currently on the device and on the Mac as I was labeling them labeled them by hand one 3 x 5" index card for each file that's a lot of labeling
but I labeled them based on the number shown most prominently on the readout screen of the voice recorder itself folder 1 file 77/77 and not by writing the long title 150825_038.MP3
So all my 1000 notes don't mean anything they don't correlate to what you see once it gets on the Mac the Mac only registers the date and file number which goes from midnight to midnight… For example if you record 50 recordings in one day once it hits midnight it won't say 51 it will say 1.
However the support software that comes with the Sony which is called sound organizer is only PC compatible if I had a PC then 77/77 would be shown and my notes with mean something.… For example 1–77 which is how I labeled these 1000 index cards 1-77 meaning folder 1 file 77
But because the support software doesn't support mac I'm stuck with this file name on the device and on the Mac 150825_36.MP3
Sure instead of labeling my index cards 1–77 ...:I could label them 25/1-38 The 25 representing the date the 1 representing the folder and the 38 representing the 38th voice recording since midnight of that day or the 38 file.
I've been on the phone for days with Sony and Apple no one on the phone can just simply give me simple instructions how to run Automator
Every two weeks I'm going to have another 1000 voice files that will need to be relabeled (I guess)
What I'm going to have to do instead of reading till my eyes bleed I'm going to have to call one of you people that know exactly how to rename the folders 1-1000 or 1-199… It will be smooth sailing because I'm really good at following instructions on the phone.
Now still the factor of having the 1000 3 x 5" index cards matching the file numbers on the Mac… They must correlate.
I'm going to have to forget about the actual file name 150825_38.MP3 which is how it shows on the device itself and the mac.
I just thought of one solution my Sony voice recorders ICD-PX333 and ICD-PX440 I think allows me format it to have just one folder with 995 files in it instead of 5 folders with 199 files in them.
If I can have one folder on my voice recorder with the capacity of 995 files then each file would match the 77/77 or whenever indicator on the display of the voice recorder this would be much easier and not have to go by the filename that changes starting from the number 1 every day at midnight.
This way when I write the file number on an index card I can write down the most prominent and obvious number 77 or 199 or whatever and not midnight to midnight generated file name which would not correlate with my index cards
So when I plug my Sony voice recorder into my mac it will show 1 folder and its files labeled 1-995 and not five folders with 199 files in each
I think this way I would only have to one run one Automator process for all 995 files and not have to run five processes of 199 files for each of the default five folders
Doing it this way will allow my index cards to match up to what the file name shows on the Mac… Only after however I run the Automator to add the number 1 through 995 in front of the existing file name.
Thanks Aaron,
Sent From My Apple iPhone
> On Aug 25, 2015, at 12:00 PM, email@hidden wrote:
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: QUESTION....New Member...Batch Renaming Multiple Files,
> Each With Different Numbers or Names, All At Once As A Batch.
> (Aaron Sakovich)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2015 08:35:32 -0500
> From: Aaron Sakovich <email@hidden>
> To: email@hidden
> Cc: Randy Vaughn <email@hidden>
> Subject: Re: QUESTION....New Member...Batch Renaming Multiple Files,
> Each With Different Numbers or Names, All At Once As A Batch.
> Message-ID: <email@hidden>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> In Yosemite, select all the files, Right/Context-click and choose “Rename 199 files…” Choose your options for renaming, replacing text and/or adding a counter to the name.
> Aaron
> --
> Aaron Sakovich
> Internet and Technology Services manager
> Huntsville-Madison County Public Library
> 915 Monroe St, Huntsville AL 35801
> -- email@hidden
>> On Aug 23, 2015, at 6:45 PM, Randy Vaughn <email@hidden> wrote:
>> QUESTION....New Member...Batch Renaming Multiple Files, Each With Different Numbers or Names, All At Once As A Batch.
>> Hello,
>> August 23, 2015
>> I am not at ALL familiar with Automator.
>> I need to be able to select and batch rename 199 files….1-199 or at least add these numbers to the beginning of existing file names.
>> I bought a Sony ICD-PX333 handheld digital voice recorder, it is Mac compatible as far as being able to get the files on the Mac but the bundled support software “SoundOrganizer” only works with PC.
>> The voice recorder has 5 folders and each folder contains 199 files (voice recording files).
>> Over the past 2 weeks I’ve recorder almost 1000 voice recordings on it.
>> It was almost full and needed more space for voice recordings, so I plugged it into my mac and the file names are displayed as completely different, it DOES show the 5 folders properly but all the file names once on the mac do NOT reflect the same title as on the voice recorder itself READ ON to see WHY this is a HUGE problem.
>> EXAMPLE: Folder 3, File 175 which I would label/name 3-175, BUT on the mac it just says
>> 150811_014 which is date and a random file number, the date is correct but the file name number is NOT the same as it is on the device itself.
>> The reason this is a problem is because as I recorded these 1000 voice recordings (over the past 2 weeks) I notated the file names as shown on the voice recorder itself on 3x5” cards (one card for each file/1000 cards) Example: 3-175 (Folder 3, File 175) so now I have 1000 index cards that do NOT correlate to the name of the files displayed on the mac…..NIGHTMARE!!!!!!
>> I WILL NOTE: When I plug the voice recorder into my mac and click on the device in the sidebar, the 5 folders DO appear to the right AND/BUT…….ONE OTHER COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FILE also appears it is a UNIX Executable File named MSGLISTL.MSF this must be the file that makes it possible to AT LEAST be able to get the recordings from the device onto the mac at all…..BUT THIS COULD MEAN SOMETHING TO SOMEONE!!!
>> I reached out to Sony for help and they bailed on me very quickly, Apple Care at 1st bailed, but I called back and a smarter guy at CPU suggested a lot of things, chief among them was AUTOMATOR!!!
>> BOTTOMLINE: I need to be able to select and batch rename 199 files….1-199 or at least add these numbers to the beginning of existing file names and I don’t have hours or days to learn how to do it……I just need simple instructions to perform this SIMPLE TASK!!!!!!
>> 1. Automator
>> 2. Buy a voice recorder with support software that is mac compatible.
>> 3. Find a utility or script that can do this.
>> 4. Boot Camp, but I would have to buy the windows software and start using windows on my MAC….Disgusting!!!
>> 5. Insert memory card into voice recorder instead of using built in memory, BUT I will likely get the same results.
>> 6. Use my iPhone (built in) voice recorder BUT I do NOT carry my iPhone with me everywhere, the sony device is TINY and I carry it everywhere AND the iPhone voice recorder can NOT be used while I’m on a phone call and during other tasks.
>> 7. Spend HOURS & HOURS on Google, YouTube, etc. etc. and hope after my eyes bleed enough I MIGHT find a solution.
>> THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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