Thanks to Jason and others who replied privately. Was able to kill the Bluetooth-PDA-Sync serial port.
I was looking for the Mac OS X bluetooth code in the Darwin sources, but apparently it isn't part of Darwin?
The specific question I was looking to answer from the sources has to do with Service Discovery Protocol. I have a device which searches for a named service which is supplied from my software on the Mac. From what I see in PacketLogger, the device is specifying the attribute list as {0100, 0004} for the ServiceSearchAttributeRequest, which is wrong according to the spec as I read it. The spec specifies that the attributes must be in ascending order.
I have a prototype of the same device with firmware written by another party. It correctly specifies the attribute list as {0001,0004,0100} and works fine. The prototype specifies one more attribute than the production model, but that should just limit the search further. The only other difference I can see isĀ that the ServiceSearchPattern of the request is being specified with {00001101} on the new device, and {1101} on the old device that works. These should be equivalent, correct?
If the Mac OS X Bluetooth is part of Darwin could someone point me to it, or if not, could someone with knowledge of the source tell me if the attribute list out of order would cause a complete response not to be returned from the Mac to the device? What I am seeing is the response for only one service being returned when the production device requests the service search. If I remove all other serial ports I get my device returned and connections are made, etc. If I add another serial port or bring back the default Bluetooth-PDA-Sync port, my device isn't returned.
I do plan on contacting the manufacturer on this, but getting their problem corrected will be slow. I just want to make sure I have the correct info before doing so.
Thanks again,
Ron Wagner
Ron Wagner
Wagner Technologies LLC
10 Old Farm Road
Tolland CT 06084-3918