Texas Instruments (a manufacturer of BTLE chips) have published a couple of iOS demo apps for use with their devices. You can find details on their BTLE
wiki page:
I found their
iPhone4SBLEDemo software to be a good starting point for learning how to access BTLE peripheral devices from iOS apps. The methods for device discovery, connection and getting a
list of supported services will work with any BTLE peripherals, not just TI’s chips. You should be able to make some progress if you study this app, along with Apple’s
Core Bluetooth framework documentation:
and the Bluetooth Developer Portal’s BTLE documentation:
Texas Instruments have just released a $25 Bluetooth Sensor Tag, which is a BTLE device containing a range of different sensors:
This could be useful as a test platform. The product description says “iOS sample apps are included to demonstrate use of the sensors”
but I do not have the Bluetooth Sensor Tag, so cannot tell you exactly what sample apps are provided.
On Behalf Of Christian Giordano
Sent: 19 November 2012 08:59
To: email@hidden
Subject: iOS sample projects
Hi guys, I watched the BTLE videos of the WWDC and I was wondering if there is the source somewhere of the apps built during the session, or others, for iOS (Central and Peripheral).
I really would like to learn BTLE for iOS, so any link to other resources (recommended books to buy, etc...) would be very welcome.