I am seeing some very strange behavior on iOS6 (and Xcode 4.5) that pertains to opening and closing connections to the Peripheral. When I issue the cancelPeripheralConnection, I receive a callback immediately to the didDisconnectPeripheral (as expected), but the iPhone does not cancel the RF connection for 30-60seconds.
If anyone or anything (including the same app, a different app, or another user on another iPhone) tries to scan for the Peripheral during this dead period of time, the Peripheral is not available. In iOS5.1 when you issued a cancelPeripheralConnection, the connection would close immediately and the Peripheral would now be free to communicate to any other iPhone or app.
Example scenario: 1. User 1 connects to Peripheral, issues some commands, and cancels the connection. 2. User 2 now wants to connect, but he cannot. Not until the 30-60 seconds have gone by.
To test this further, if after I issue a cancelPeripheralConnection I physically reset the power of the Peripheral, then the Peripheral does become available immediately upon power-up.
So my question is: What is the new recommended way to quickly set up and tear down a Bluetooth LE connection in iOS6?