I have an ipad mini and iphone 5 both running ios 6.1.2. One is acting as the central and the other as the peripheral, where the central is receiving data via notifications.
Intermittently, my call to updateValue in the peripheral
didSend = [self.peripheralManager updateValue:chunk forCharacteristic:self.transferCharacteristic onSubscribedCentrals:nil]
always returns false and
never gets called. also my central delegate callback
- (void)peripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral didUpdateValueForCharacteristic:(CBCharacteristic *)characteristic error:(NSError *)error
does not get called. normally, restarting the app or rebuilding in xcode works fine, but at times, I need to reboot the device to get notifications working again. This is even if the central has successfully subscribed.
I'm not sure if the issue is in the Central or Peripheral. Anyone have any thoughts as to why this may be?
Thank you.