Firstly let me say I'm new at bluetooth, and perhaps I lack some notion or some understanding…
My scope is retrieve messages and contacts from a nokia phone (I have a nokia 5000). If I use the OBEXFileTransferServices class (I started with Cocoa objective c) it works, but cannot see the contents of "Messages" folder.
So I tried with IOBluetoothOBEXSession but it always returns with kOBEXSessionEventTypeError when trying to connect. I tried to connect with target and who headers but nothing changes. The only way that seems to work is opening a RFCOMM channel (to the nokia pc suite service channelID I got from the SDPRecord), but any AT command I send causes the closing of the connection. If I create a IOBluetoothOBEXSession with the opened RFCOMMChannel and try to send some data (e.g. [session OBEXSetPath:…]) but it doesn't work either.
As I said before, I probably miss some understanding, but tried to google in any way and couldn't find the solution.
They told me that Nokia PC suite needs a OBEX FTP connection, but if I try to get the SDP record with kBluetoothSDPUUID16ServiceClassOBEXFileTransfer I got a record of name "OBEX File Transfer" and not "Nokia PC Suite" (I need to use kBluetoothSDPUUID16ServiceClassSerialPort to get this one).
Can anyone put me on the right way?
Thanks in advance to everyone, best regards, livio.
PS: Mac OS 10.8.3, xcode 4.6.2 |