Hi, I have a problem with TI BLESTACK 1.40 After about 10 times that I pair and unpair the CC2540 with the app on iPhone, it stop the connection with the iPhone and when I try to reconnect again, it try to do but always the operation fail. A MCU reset not solve the problema. It depend of how many NV memory is wrote during the 10 times of pair-unpaid. Each time that pair the CC2540 with the iPhone a buffer of about 50 bytes is wrote in NV, probably are the data of bonding like key long term key, ecc.. Only if the firmware will re-fleshed on the CC2540 the situation return to normal and the pair work, but again after abbot 10 operation on NV the problem is represented.
I have the iPhone 5S but is the same with iPad 4 and I use “LightBlue” by PunchThroughDesign. Both with iOS 7.1.1
In another BLE project I implemented a series of write data to the NV with SNV API form TI BLESTACK, and so after that i filled about of 300h of NV flash memory with some kind of data, the problem is out coming again with same effects: - disconnection from CC2540
- trying to connect again, seems that do something, but after about 1-2 seconds disconnection again
Again only the re-flash of the fw reset this situation.
Anybody never see something like that ?