Hi List Members,
I have a very simple piece of code in my library to connect to external peripherials that offer a BTSPP service on RFComm channel 1. This code never made any problems until the manufacturer of the device switched his BT-Modules to Panasonic PAN1322. Now, openRFCommChannelSync returns status
2015-04-16 16:45:22.161 java[46503:4519085] opened RFCommChannelSync e00002cd
What is VERY strange is, that if I take this piece of code and paste it into the ConnectToServer method of the ChatBluetoothInterface_ObjC.m class in the BluetoothChat Sample Application if have no problem connecting to either device.
Any clues where I could start searching?
int channel = 1; IOBluetoothRFCOMMChannel *mRFCOMMChannel; //nonin 001C05004537 //bt12+ 0013430D937F IOBluetoothDevice *dev = [IOBluetoothDevice deviceWithAddressString:@"0013430D937F"];
NSLog (@"opening RFCommChannelSync id %d dev %d\n", channel, (int)dev);
int ret = [dev openConnection]; NSLog (@"Opened baseband connection %d\n", ret);
IOReturn status = [dev openRFCOMMChannelSync:&mRFCOMMChannel withChannelID:channel delegate:self];
NSLog (@"opened RFCommChannelSync %x\n", (int)status); if (status == 0) { [mRFCOMMChannel retain]; }
return 0;