Hi everyone!
This is a issue many developers face during the development of apps using CoreBluetooth. When connecting to BLE devices, CoreBluetooth caches the peripheral in order to reconnect faster later, i presume. But if for any reason, peripheral developers, we in this case, decide to change the peripheral name, then an iOS device that has previously connected to this peripheral would stop connecting to it because it would read it with its previous name. There’s no problems with iOS devices that hasn’t connected yet since they will connect to it with its real name.
I’m checking for the device name both in centralManager:didConnectPeripheral and in peripheral:didDiscoverCharacteristicsForService:error and the both show the previous name.
Is there a way to clear CoreBluetooth cache or force the rediscovery of everything about the peripheral so we we can get the right device name? Or is there an alternate way to check if it is the device iOS needs to connect to?
I’ve already tried turning off and on Bluetooth, WIFI, reset network settings.
The peripheral we’re working with is a Microchip RN4020 (I know, not the best one out there…)
Thanks in advance.