I have an iOS application that communicates as a BLE central with multiple, proprietary BLE peripheral devices. The application talks to the peripherals in both the background and foreground. The communication mechanism is such that a connection is created, data is sent, and the connection is broken for each discrete request. Connections are not persisted with the peripheral devices which is a requirement.
My application's plist file has bluetooth-central value in the UIBackgroundModes array. The app only scans for my peripheral's specific service. I know that you can't scan for all services in the background so I've got that covered. Communication in the background works perfectly on most devices. However, we have a few customers whose phones do not send BLE activity to my app in the background. I say "BLE activity" because none of my delegate methods are being called -- centralManager:didDiscoverPeripheral:advertisementData:RSSI: for instance -- so I can't say that the phone isn't seeing advertisements or other activity. Unfortunately, none of the devices I have to test with in my office experience the background communication issue.
Below are two snippets of logs from a non-working (iPhone 6+ iOS 9.3.2) and a working (iPhone 6 iOS 9.3.2) device that may help demonstrate what I am seeing.
Non-working device. Note that there is communication in the beginning (foreground) and then almost 50 minutes with the phone in the background with no activity. Once the device is back in the foreground, there is activity again. The notes for the “Device Disconnected” action is the peripheral mac & total time of the connection (advertisement received to peripheral disconnection). I am currently calling scanForPeripheralsWithServices:options: after each disconnect activity but that didn’t seem to help as you can see below.
Timestamp Action State Mac Address & Action Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7/10/16 13:13 Device Connected Normal 6050C1002501: 2 7/10/16 13:13 Device Disconnected Normal 6050C1002501: 1.1746 7/10/16 13:13 Start Scan Normal 7/10/16 13:16 Device Connected Normal 6050C1002622: 1 7/10/16 13:16 Device Disconnected Normal 6050C1002622: 1.2907 7/10/16 13:16 Start Scan Normal 7/10/16 13:17 Device Connected Normal 6050C1002622: 2 7/10/16 13:17 Device Disconnected Normal 6050C1002622: 1.2894 7/10/16 13:17 Start Scan Normal 7/10/16 13:20 Entered background Normal 7/10/16 13:24 Entered foreground Normal 7/10/16 13:25 Entered background Normal 7/10/16 14:09 Entered foreground Normal 7/10/16 14:09 Device Connected Normal 6050C1002618: 0 7/10/16 14:09 Device Disconnected Normal 6050C1002618: 2.6698 7/10/16 14:09 Start Scan Normal 7/10/16 14:09 Device Connected Normal 6050C1002618: 0 7/10/16 14:09 Device Disconnected Normal 6050C1002618: 2.5114 7/10/16 14:09 Start Scan Normal 7/10/16 14:09 Device Connected Normal 6050C1002618: 2 7/10/16 14:09 Device Disconnected Normal 6050C1002618: 1.1822
Working block is data from a customer who keeps the phone in the background most of the time while using the devices. Notice that there is consistent activity after the device has logged that it is entering the background.
Timestamp Action State Mac Address & Action Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7/8/16 14:02 Start Scan Normal 7/8/16 14:02 Entered background Normal 7/8/16 14:04 Device Connected Normal 6050C100067C: 1 7/8/16 14:04 Device Disconnected Normal 6050C100067C: 1.5848 7/8/16 14:04 Start Scan Normal 7/8/16 14:05 Entered foreground Normal 7/8/16 14:05 Entered background Normal 7/8/16 14:05 Entered foreground Normal 7/8/16 14:05 Device Connected Normal 6050C100067C: 2 7/8/16 14:05 Device Disconnected Normal 6050C100067C: 1.1910 7/8/16 14:05 Start Scan Normal 7/8/16 14:05 Entered background Normal 7/8/16 14:06 Device Connected Normal 6050C100067C: 1 7/8/16 14:06 Device Disconnected Normal 6050C100067C: 1.5235 7/8/16 14:06 Start Scan Normal 7/8/16 14:06 Device Connected Normal 6050C100067C: 2 7/8/16 14:06 Device Disconnected Normal 6050C100067C: 1.1698 7/8/16 14:06 Start Scan Normal 7/8/16 14:07 Device Connected Normal 6050C100067C: 1 7/8/16 14:07 Device Disconnected Normal 6050C100067C: 1.4137 7/8/16 14:07 Start Scan Normal 7/8/16 14:07 Device Connected Normal 6050C100067C: 2 7/8/16 14:07 Device Disconnected Normal 6050C100067C: 1.1710 7/8/16 14:07 Start Scan Normal 7/8/16 14:07 Device Connected Normal 6050C100067C: 1 7/8/16 14:07 Device Disconnected Normal 6050C100067C: 1.4856 7/8/16 14:07 Start Scan Normal 7/8/16 14:07 Device Connected Normal 6050C100067C: 0 7/8/16 14:07 Device Disconnected Normal 6050C100067C: 2.9013 7/8/16 14:07 Start Scan Normal 7/8/16 14:08 Device Connected Normal 6050C100067C: 2 7/8/16 14:08 Device Disconnected Normal 6050C100067C: 1.2361 7/8/16 14:08 Start Scan Normal 7/8/16 14:09 Entered foreground Normal
iOS 9.3.2, iPhone 5s, 6, 6s, 6+ have shown the problem, Xcode 7.3.1, ST Micro BlueNRG Stack 6.4 Peripheral
Can anyone provide some insights on why this intermittent activity may be occurring and/or some things I can do to help troubleshoot what might be happening? I do have some limited access to one such device from one of our customers. If there is some additional debugging I can enable on his phone, I'm sure I could get it setup.
Thanks so much,