What a mess ! :-)
What a mess ! :-)
- Subject: What a mess ! :-)
- From: Riccardo Santato <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2001 12:23:13 +0200
Hi everybody,
I'm stuck here trying to get the grip on how Cocoa works. It's a
terrible mess !
As I said in a mail I've posted some days ago, I'm trying to display a
simple Quicktime Movie in a NSMovie object. I thought it was a very
simple task. Apple tried to help my with "SimpleMovieApp" example but
it's useless because
1) It's very difficult to understand as far as it doesn't allow you to
help a file requester to choose a file which is not in bundle with the
entire project
2) It doesn't help you understanding the NSBundle object. The
documentation is useless.
I 'm wondering why Apple doesn't help the developers (and newbies like
me with a sufficient knowledge of C) givin' them a TRUE developer docs.
In the Amiga world there were the "Autodocs", which they were guides
explaining VERY WELL all the things you could have done with linked and
shared libraries (now Frameworks) and TONS of examples you may have
read, doing even a simple Cut-and-Paste.
In the developer docs Apple gave us there are docs in HTML, AppleGuide,
RTF and PDF format with no examples (less than a dozen).
Can this be useful for helping someone to code something useful for OS
X ? I think not. :-(
Are there any web resources to help people like me with SMALL example
apps ? The only good site I know is www.cocoacevcentral.com
Please help me.
Best regards.
Riccardo Santato