Re: NSImage in NSTableView looks like poop
Re: NSImage in NSTableView looks like poop
- Subject: Re: NSImage in NSTableView looks like poop
- From: David Adamson <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 10:46:11 -0400
On Wednesday, August 15, 2001, at 04:05 AM, sam goldman wrote:
I have a file browsing application in the works and it grabs the icon
for display in a table view. My problem (as you might have guessed from
the subject) is that the icon looks like crap. The current size is
and the image sizes proportionally. I think that the problem might
be as
simple as changing that size, but I don't know what size to change it
to. It may be more complex than this as well, so whatever information
you can give will be appreciated. I am a newbie that's getting to be
pretty intermediate.
I'm mucking about with something similar right now, and have found
that icon-dimensions in multiples of 16 look a lot less poopy, and
most especially the 'standard' sizes of small (16), large (32),
huge (64), and utterly ridiculous, much bigger than any nail on any
thumb I've ever seen, (128). I'm not sure how big the row-gutter on
the tableView is, so you may need to aim a few pixels higher. How
the Finder keeps its icons so silky smooth at any size eludes me.
What I did, not a very wonderful way, was, in the drawing method of
the IconAndTextCell from the DragNDropOutlineView example, to cause
the icon to resize to the nearest 16-multiple of the cell-frame's
height, and it looks pretty good. The relevant code:
- (void)drawWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView *)controlView
if (image != nil)
int dimension = 16 * (int)(cellFrame.size.height / 16);
NSSize imageSize = NSMakeSize(dimension, dimension);
NSRect imageFrame;
[image setSize:imageSize];
//unchanged from the example from here on
[super drawWithFrame:cellFrame inView:controlView];
But I'd like to do it better, if anyone has any thoughts.
Good luck, and may all the Cocoa file browsers of the world one day
rise up against their Carbon progenitor and oppressor, that the
Finder may become Lost amidst its stronger children,