Re: Cocoa Documentation on NSFormatter
Re: Cocoa Documentation on NSFormatter
- Subject: Re: Cocoa Documentation on NSFormatter
- From: Ondra Cada <email@hidden>
- Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 13:43:08 +0100
>>>>> Thomas Lachand-Robert (TLR) wrote at Sun, 16 Dec 2001 10:28:01 +0100:
TLR> >It is documented nicely and well.
TLR> ...there should be
TLR> at least a note saying that objects returned by formatters ought to
TLR> implement NSCopying in that case.
This is agreed, such a note would be handy. I just wanted to point out that
even without it the documentation _is_ right and _not_ buggy (in this point,
of course).
TLR> Generally speaking, I feel that the doc need more 'transversal'
TLR> information, in particular for interactions between classes, like ...
Well, the documentation was designed and created _to be searched by a very
flexible and luxurious fulltext finder_ (the alas late Digital Librarian: it
completely escapes me why Apple decided to trash the thing!). I personally
strongly believe that this is much better than a heap of transversal links
and info, but of course, that might be in the eye of the beholder.
Should you have DL and use it to find NSFormatter, you would get a list of
documents which mention it; because NSCell is among them, and because you
know "passively" that you are about to use the formatter in a cell, you would
check it, and learn what was needed.
Since I, thanks to my nice black NeXTstation, still am happily user of DL, I
don't have any documentation problem (but with those new things which are
<<<forthcoming>>> or not even that). For those who are not so lucky as to
have a NeXT (or OpenStep on any architecture it supported), I can just
recommend MTLibrarian or MarshmallowLibrarian (both are available from
Stepwise): whilst still not in the league of Digital Librarian, they are
infinitely better than anything Apple offered us so far.
Ondra Cada
OCSoftware: email@hidden
2K Development: email@hidden
private email@hidden