Oops, I stand corrected. (was: Collection of Cocoa & objc questions from a "newbie")
Oops, I stand corrected. (was: Collection of Cocoa & objc questions from a "newbie")
- Subject: Oops, I stand corrected. (was: Collection of Cocoa & objc questions from a "newbie")
- From: "John C. Randolph" <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 02:35:13 -0700
On Wednesday, July 18, 2001, at 02:12 AM, Art Isbell wrote:
An example of one of these template classes is NSWindowTemplate.
When a window is added to a nib, the object actually archived in the
nib is a NSWindowTemplate instance that stores all the window
properties set in Interface Builder. When a NSWindowTemplate is
unarchived during nib loading, it allocates and initializes a NSWindow
object setting the properties of this NSWindow accordingly. The
NSWindowTemplate then releases itself and is freed.
Well, I just went and checked...
jcr@localhost:Projects/IXLoader/English.lproj>nibtool -j MainMenu.nib
[much snippage]
Object 145 = {
Class = "NSWindowTemplate";
CustomClass = "NSPanel";
Name = "CCSheet";
autoPositionMask = "15";
backingType = "2";
className = "NSPanel";
contentRect = ""{{0, 406}, {515, 553}}"";
deferred = "1";
dynamicDepthLimit = "0";
frameAutosaveName = "<null>";
hidesOnDeactivate = "0";
maxSize = ""{3.40282e+38, 3.40282e+38}"";
minSize = ""{515, 575}"";
releasedWhenClosed = "0";
styleMask = "14";
title = "Panel";
visibleAtLaunch = "1";
wantsToBeColor = "0";
BTW, it would be *real* nice if Apple published the code to nibtool.
(hint, hint!)
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